Here are some quick tips to get you started with training a Goldendoodle.
1. Be consistent in your use of words for commands.
You will get better results if you stick to the same words that are used for specific commands. This way your Groodle will know what is expected when a command word is given.
2. Goldendoodles like to hear their name.
Hearing their name usually gets their attention quickly. Use your Goldendoodle’s name along with every command. (Groodle, Sit!) Never use your doodle’s name in conjunction with a reprimand, such as No! Your Goldendoodle must learn that responding to its name brings positive – not negative – results.
3. Use liberal praise as a reward.
Many dogs will do more for affection than for food. Give lots of body rubs or gentle pats on the head while saying Good Boy! Good Girl!
4. Keep training sessions short and pleasurable.
If you don’t have the time to train your Goldendoodle yourself, you may want to hire a professional dog trainer. If you feel you are becoming frustrated, stop the training and wait until later.
5. Do not reinforce negative behavior.
If your dog had inadvertent negative behavior, don’t start by giving your dog a lot of attention when it misbehaves. This will only reinforce the undesired behavior.
Using The Word No!
Never use physical punishment to train your Goldendoodle! Physical punishment, such as hitting or kicking, is not necessary nor will it get your Groodle to perform the actions that you desire.
Simply say No! in a sharp tone, prolonging the vowel, so that the doodle will know that you are displeased with their performance.
A dog is intelligent enough to know when you are rewarding and when you are reprimanding it. There is no need to hit your doodle. Physical punishment actually reinforces the Goldendoodles’ fear of being reprimanded and will cause your Groodle to become a very timid dog or even lash out through biting if they feel in danger.
Goldendoodles are very gentle, loving, non aggressive dogs but all dogs who fear they are in danger use the only mechanism they know and that is to bite their aggressor….which would be you.
Using Scruff of the Neck
If anything more drastic is needed, you might grasp the Goldendoodle by the scruff of his or her neck and give a little shake while at the same time lightly saying No. I don’t actually recommend this because again, you are encouraging your Groodle to become fearful.
Reprimands should be given during or immediately following the undesirable behavior and never hours later.
Remember, a dog cannot discern why they are being scolded if the scolding occurs minutes or hours after the act. Neither does your Goldendoodle understand why a certain action is acceptable on one occasion but objectionable on another. So be consistent in everything you do when it comes to training your doodle. It is also very helpful to place your Goldendoodle on a consistent schedule.
Training your Goldendoodle takes patience and commitment. So that you don’t become frustrated, know what your command words are before you start training your Goldendoodle. Remember to keep your training sessions short and fun. This is so you and your Groodle don’t become frustrated. Keep the training positive, and remember to use lots of praise!