Category Training

Top 4 Dog Show Tips for Noobs

woman in red shirt carrying black and white miniature schnauzer

There are usual mistakes made by noobs who are exhibiting their dog for the first time. It’s always amazing how many novice exhibitors turn up to a dog show without knowing the most basic points. It’s like they never even…

Why Dog Herding Is Great For Your Dog

herd of goat and black and white dog on pature

Lots of present day herding breeds have only been well-known in the past several generations. Nonetheless, the usage of working dogs on farms and ranches has been in place for centuries. Research implies the initial herding dogs were used dating…

Simple Steps To Puppy Obedience Training

puppy training

The best way to start your puppy with obedience training is to visit a training school. Not only will puppy become well versed in the required commands and actions, but you will also learn what is required from both of…